Saturday, April 18, 2009

Paul Potts vs Susan Boyle





Piers: It was a complete breathe refresher. I thought you are absolutely fantastic.

Amanda: You have an incredible voice. If you keep singing like that, you are going to be one of the favourite winners to win the whole competition.

Simon: I think we've got a case, with a little lump of coal here that's going to turn as a diamond.

Paul Potts之後,又再出現另一夥彗星。

一位47歲、無業大嬸,她的出現,惹來眾人嘲笑。當Susan說出她以Elaine Paige為目標時,眾人都嗤之以鼻。當她說唱出舞台劇「孤星淚」的「I Dreamed a Dream」時,卻又再一次讓評判們另眼相看。

Piers: Without a doubt that was the biggest surprise I have had in three years of the show......that was stunning, an incredible performance.

Amanda: The biggest shock and wake up call ever. I just want to say that it was a complete privilege listening to that.

Simon: I knew the minute you walked out on that stage that we are going to hear something extraordinary, and I was right. You are a little tiger.


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